Title: Ghosts of the Silent Hills

Author: Anita Krishan

Publisher: FingerPrint Publishing

Genre: Horror, Short Story

First Publication: 2019

Language: English

Scary stories always seem to be entertaining to read, and I’m usually on the lookout for thrillers by Indian authors. The book was a review copy of the publisher, inside the past, I read a lot of horror stories book but this book was really amazing. It gives all the best feeling of a horror story.

Ghosts of The Silent Hills: About the Author

Anita Krishan was born in Shimla in 1955 and spent the first twenty-two years of her life there, getting a master’s degree in English literature from Himachal University before embarking on a career teaching children the joys of the language.

She has enriched the lives of innumerable students with the wonder of the narrative during her long career as an educator. Each of her literary works belongs to a distinct genre, ranging from the joys and sorrows of life through terrorism that already has kept the globe on pins and needles, and now the paranormal.

That she’ll be travelling all over the world over the world, soaking up the various human ideas and cultures—delectable food for her mind. She and her family currently reside in Gurgaon.

Ghosts of The Silent Hills: About The Book

That dead would not stop until they have obtained whatever they desire. You’ve reached in the mountains. You’re surrounded by dark, scary forests, and the silence is deafening… In the cold, dark night, you never realize what might be lurking. Do not wander alone on the hills after dusk.

A stunning white woman stalks the Solitary Paths, hoping to charm and entrap men. All of the persons who have died in car accidents in this area. These screaming are said to be heard at night. And there are the abandoned lodges nestled among lush foliage and peaceful waterways. Spirits lurk here, waiting to prey on the living. These recommendations were ignored by some sceptics.

People attempt to make sense of what they saw and felt. But they couldn’t run away when they came face to face with the entities they thought didn’t exist… The most spine-chilling tales founded on genuine hauntings are collected in Ghosts of the Silent Hills, a collection that will make your nights a little scarier.

Ghosts of The Silent Hills: Review

Anita Krishan may not be your favorite paranormal novelist if you want to be terrified when reading about ghosts. It is, on the other hand, you enjoy elegant realistic fiction with a dash of suspense, and then Anita Krishan’s ghost stories should have been on the top of the list.

The ghostly presences–such as they are–emerge from the rich soil which defines the author’s masterfully wrought realism in each of the stories in ‘Ghosts of the Silent Hills.’ Many more of her novels deal with the ugliness of domestic power relationships, not just between husbands and wives, but also between servants and their masters.

Individuals who formerly had the power to alter things for the better but did not do so are haunted by specter’s, who come to visit the living not just as a punishment for past transgressions, but also as a silent call to make amends.

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