Alice in Borderland is a Japanese science fiction thriller drama streaming television series that premiered in 2020. It is based on Haro Aso’s manga of the same name. The series, directed by Shinsuke Sato, stars Kento Yamazaki and Tao Tsuchiya as pals imprisoned in an abandoned Tokyo, forced to engage in perilous games whose kind and severity are dictated by playing cards. Players earn “visas” after surviving their first game, which is extended the longer they compete; if the visas expire, the participants are killed by red lasers fired from the sky.

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Season 1 of ‘Alice In Borderland’ Explained

Arisu discovers during the final game that two girls prepared the survival game as directed by their superiors. The mystery is solved thanks to a video recording found inside the phone of the deceased girl. A group of people was betting on games and players that were being transmitted from a concealed room deep within the subway.

Borderland felt like a human horse track where spectators place bets on different individuals, even though nothing was explicitly stated. When Arisu visits the hidden room after the final game, she discovers that all of the intermediaries have died because the players have completed the game.

Alice In Borderland

However, Arisu and the surviving players are caught off guard by an emergency broadcast. They have only completed the first stage of the game, which has yet to be completed. The players must now compete for the Face Cards of various symbols to advance to the actual world.

The news is delivered by Mira, a member of the Hatter’s board of directors. Borderland was designed by her, and she is the original game master. The second season will provide new exciting survival games in which players will fight for their lives and collect the remaining cards in the deck to escape this post-apocalyptic-like parallel universe.

Alice In Borderland

Visually, Alice in Borderland draws your attention. It can even take your breath away. It’s a fantastic adaptation. However, it does not come without drawbacks. The protagonist, Arisu, is occasionally too dormant in the series, causing the narrative to focus on other essential characters, resulting in a loss of hold.

The tale spreads like bad broth, becoming chaotic and difficult to follow at times. It’s interesting until Arisu and his friends are introduced, but after that, the story progressively devolves into shambles. I’m hoping for something more interesting and riveting in the second season, or else the series may die with little left to explore.

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When Will Season 2 of Alice In Borderland Be Available On Netflix?

Alice In Borderland

Season 2 of Alice in Borderland is set to premiere in December of 2022 on Netflix. So there’s still a bit of a wait, but it’ll make for a fantastic holiday binge-watch!