We Have a Ghost” is an American movie in the horror comedy subgenre that was released in the year 2023, and it is based on the short tale “Ernest” by Geoff Manaugh. Christopher Landon wrote the script and served as the director. Critics gave the movie a variety of ratings. While some audience members applauded the performers’ performances throughout the movie, others were highly critical of them. The movie had its premiere on February 24, 2023, and Netflix handled distribution.

The movie’s storyline

Presley is introduced as the main character and is first shown a property at a very low price. Even though they are rather shocked by the pricing, the estate agent manages to persuade them by claiming that they have been cheap. The first night, the youngest child, Kevin, doesn’t become scared by the ghost he finds in the attic. Instead, a chuckle greets him. After engaging in conversation with the ghost, he soon learns that the latter is unable to provide any details about his prior existence. He gives the ghost the name Ernest. But, Kevin’s older brother Fulton discovers a video of Ernest that was captured on Kevin’s phone. They quickly become well-known online after he uploads the film to the internet and starts a YouTube channel.

Joy, whom Kevin meets in high school, explains that his home is known as the “House of Death” to Kevin. Joy learns that the house owner is not the eponymous ghost after one of Ernest’s movies becomes popular online. The media is urged by Kevin’s father to exploit Ernest, but Kevin devises a scheme to haunt them, and Ernest is successful in doing the same. Frank is enraged at Kevin, yet he still manages to turn a profit. Joy persuades Kevin that they need to know about Ernest’s background, and they discover a picture of him with the former owner of the property, a blonde female. Seeing Ernest experience some flashbacks.

When a horror author comes to see Frank, she attempts to persuade him that Ernest is a threat; Frank kicks her out, but the park activates the CIA. The next day, after Kevin, Joy, and Ernest have already departed for Oklahoma to find out who the previous owner of the property was, they break into the house. They discover that Ernest S., the previous owner, has a wife named Ramona, and Ernest is Ernest’s brother-in-law. He left behind his daughter June, who was raised by them after he could no longer bear the loss of his wife. Kevin receives Frank’s apology for his selfishness.

Later, it is revealed that the previous owner of the property, Ernest S., murdered the ghost while his wife took the kid with her. But fortunately, Dr. Monroe, the horror author, intervened to save Ernest. Also. They attempt to assassinate Kevin, but Frank and Ernest push him out the window. Throughout the conversation, Kevin discusses how he introduced Ernest to his 1-year-old daughter, and in the end, Ernest passes peacefully into the next world.

Characters & Cast

Anthony Mackie as Frank Presley, Jahi Winston as Kevin Presley, David Harbour as Ernest, Tig Notaro as Dr. Leslie Monroe, Isabella Russo as Joy, Jo-Ann Robinson as June, and Tom Bower as Ernest Scheller are just a few of the great and skilled performers in the movie.


The younger generation would find the breezy charm, real personalities, and comedy appealing. The movie offers something new, and Landon plays around with the genre aspects. The sweet journey has a spooky allure.