Brightburn is a superhero horror film directed by David Yarovesky and produced by James Gunn and Kenneth Huang that will be released in 2019. It was written by Mark Gunn and Brian Gunn and directed by David Yarovesky. Brandon Breyer, a young kid of extraterrestrial origin raised on Earth who discovers he has abilities, is portrayed by Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Jackson A. Dunn, Matt Jones, and Meredith Hagner.

Brandon rejects his humanity and turns to evil after learning of them and being activated by his starship. He chooses to terrorize his hometown, including his parents. The film was produced and financed by Screen Gems, Stage 6 Films, The H Collective, and Troll Court Entertainment.

Brightburn was announced in December 2017 as an Untitled James Gunn Horror Project. Aside from Gunn’s role as a producer, the screenplay was written by his cousin Mark and brother Brian, who adapted the Superman premise for explicit horror. The film’s principal photography began in March 2018 and ended in May of same year.

Sony Pictures Releasing distributed Brightburn in the United States on May 24, 2019. Critics gave it mixed reviews, with some believing that movie did not fully realize the potential of its subject. The film grossed $32 million against a $6–12 million budget. Read also: The Babysitter Killer Queen: Ending Explanation

Brightburn: Ending Explanation

Brandon kills his uncle Noah the next day by lifting and dropping his automobile. Tori and Kyle inform Brandon of Noah’s death the next morning, but Brandon displays little emotion or empathy, angering them both. Kyle accuses Brandon of murder and grabs him, but Brandon retaliates by shoving him forcefully. Kyle discovers Brandon’s blood-stained clothing and reveals it to Tori, who is skeptical.

Kyle takes Brandon on a hunting expedition in the woods with his father. Kyle tries to kill Brandon with his hunting rifle, but the attempt fails as the bullet bounces off the back of Brandon’s head, prompting Brandon to pursue him down and kill him with heat vision.


Brandon is summoned by a sheriff who arrives to the Breyers’ home. Tori informs the sheriff that Kyle and Brandon are not at home, so he shows Tori the symbol discovered near the murder scenes of Erika and Noah. Tori discovers Brandon’s journal, which contains sketches of his crimes as well as his exhortation to “take the world,” and she begins to believe Kyle. She tries to phone Kyle, but Brandon answers and says he’s on his way to get her. Read also: Will There Be a Sequel to The Nightbooks?

Brandon reappears and begins wrecking the house, murdering all of the cops that arrive to help. Tori rushes to the barn, remembering that the ship can damage Brandon, and discovers Erika’s eviscerated body.


Tori tries to tell Brandon how much she loves him while he chases her. She then attempts to stab him with a piece of the ship, but Brandon anticipates the attack and avoids it. Brandon flies Tori miles above the clouds and drops her 35,000 feet to her death in retribution, just as he spies an oncoming plane. The next day, the plane inexplicably crashes into the farmhouse (probably destroying the spaceship, Brandon’s one known weakness), with the news stating that everyone on board was murdered and Brandon was the only survivor.

Brandon launches his worldwide attacks during the credits, which are covered by news broadcasts. Brandon is often known in the media as “Brightburn.” Big T, a conspiracy theorist, talks about the Brightburn incident and the possibility of other super-humans, begging with humanity to intervene.