Goedam is a horror anthology series set in the year 2020 in South Korea. Urban legends are the series’ major focus. Goedam translates to “ghost story” or “horror narrative.” On August 20, 2020, the series was launched worldwide on the Netflix streaming service.

Individual episodes have their own plots and are thus independent of one another. Individual episodes, however, contain references to other episodes. They are contemporary horror stories set in a large city.

Goedam Season 1: Storyline Explanation

The first episode is based on the so-called Kong-kong-kong-Geist (Kong-kong-kong-Gwisin), a South Korean urban legend that dates back to the 1990s. Two schoolgirls are the main characters in the folklore. One had consistently high academic achievement.

One was constantly pushed to the back of the line. However, from family, society, and yourself, the pressure on the second best student was immense. She summoned the most talented pupil to the school’s roof one day. She is eager to converse with her.

godeam season 1

She, on the other hand, pushed the student off the ledge. She slammed against the ground. The case was ruled a suicide, and the former second-best student rose to the top of the class from that point forward.

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However, the student began to hear a noise, which he identified as kong-kong-kong. The speaker seemed to be on the lookout for someone. The student hid beneath her desk in the hopes of going unnoticed. In reality, the classroom door was opened and closed several times.

godeam season 1

The student was relieved until, out of nowhere, an upside down ghost appeared in front of her and announced, “Here you are!” The story deals with the pressures that students face and then it is comparable to the “ghost without legs” and “student left alone in the classroom” legends.

Last Episode is inspired by Yeommae , an ancient Korean ceremony in which the mind and body are divided. It’s referred to as dark magic. The Seongho Saseol by Yi Ik, written in the 18th century, is the first authoritative mention of the practice.

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Goedam Season 1: What Happened in the Ending?

Goedam goes beyond Korean folklore to include Yeommae, a hazardous sort of ritualistic sorcery. This acts as a sort of origin story, bridging the gap between episodes. Regrettably, the execution is not up to par.

A white-robed woman walks downstairs and drops a bowl of food through a little opening. Hungry hands scurry away with the bowl.

goedam season 1

This is the only episode in which some exposition is included. We soon discover that the country is home to a monstrous hex known as Yeommae. Children are kidnapped by shamans and starved to death. They seize their spirits and hold their souls as a result.

This mother goes downstairs after praying and snatches the tiny child, stabbing him or her repeatedly until the youngster is dead. The woman then flicks her eye over, revealing a significantly smaller pupil, while she convulses on the spot. Is this a sign that she’s been possessed?