The South Korean fantasy series “Hellbound season 1” is a K-Drama web series launched in December 2021, consist of 6 episodes is streaming on Netflix ,directed by Yeon Sang-ho, and written by Choi Kyu-sok, is grounded on a webtoon of the same name.

It represents a supernatural angel who, like a living being, foretells a person’s death. And on the day of the foretold future, three demons or delegates from hell show their utter displeasure by stealing the soul of the living being. A free religious organisation called “The New Truth” interprets the anger/frustration and labels it divine vengeance in the midst of comparable useless chaos.

They use terror to spread their agenda of establishing a just society. Jung Jinsu, the organization’s president and author, says that these supernatural occurrences are God’s way of punishing bad people. Chairman Jung does, however, have his secrets, as do all cult leaders. I’m curious as to what he’s trying to conceal.

Hellbound Season 1: What Is This About?

Three demons attacked a 36-year-old man named Joo Myeonghun on November 10, 2022, in a coffee shop near Hapjeong Station. They took the victim’s soul and departed after violently abusing him.

Soon after the tragedy, Jin Kyeong-hoon and his companion Eunpyo are assigned to investigate “The New Truth,” a religious cult. Jung Jinsu, the organization’s head, created it in 2012 and has been outspoken about divine vengeance ever then. “The Arrowhead,” the organization’s hardline or extremist arm, isn’t afraid to use physical violence to spread its propaganda.

Hellbound Season 1

When the police and investigators arrive at the crime scene, they realise that the demons have left no proof behind. As a result, their source is unknown. Chairman Jung informs one of his followers that the victim, Joo, has been charged with multiple counts of fraud and assault.

Detective Jin comes across a small gathering of The New Truth volunteers, where Chairman Jung informs one of his followers that Joo has been charged with multiple counts of fraud and assault. As a result, he claims that his damnation was for the sake of justice. God chastised him because he sinned.

Hellbound Season 1

Jin notices his daughter, Heejung, assisting Jung after the gathering. Jin becomes enraged and tells her daughter to go. Jung recounts his prior life and lowly lifestyle to the two investigators as they follow him on public transportation.

Before departing, Jung informs Jin that he is merely a God’s messenger, conveying God’s desire for mankind to live more righteously. People are terrified of this punishment, which makes them avoid sin.

Jin disagrees, claiming that if these punishments constitute divine vengeance, God must believe that mankind lack self-control. The scenario introduces the antagonism between these two important characters, a struggle that will be explored later in the Hellbound series.

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Hellbound Season 1: Who Is in the Cast?

  • Yoo Ah-in plays Jeong Jin-soo, a cult leader of the emerging New Truth Society.
  • Park Sang-hoon plays young Jeong Jin-soo
  • Kim Hyun-joo plays Min Hye-jin, a lawyer
  • Park Jeong-min plays Bae Young-jae, a production director for a broadcasting station
  • Won Jin-ah plays Song So-hyun, the wife of Bae Young-jae
  • Yang Ik-june plays Jin Kyeong-hoon, a detective.

Hellbound Season 1: Ending Explanation

The story is divided into two sections. The New Truth foundation is discussed in the first three episodes. This might involve a scenario in which a “angel” appears and tells someone when they will die and that they will be sent to Hell. Three monsters will emerge at the moment specified by the angel and murder that individual horribly.

Hellbound Season 1

In essence, this means that we have a main cast in episodes 1–3 and a completely new main cast in episodes 4–6. Only Min Hye-jin, the female lawyer from the first half of the season, returns in the second half as a major character. Min Hye-jin is now the protagonist of the Netflix series Hellbound.

The time jump is intended to depict how the world has changed since accepting “The New Truth religion” following a very public demonstration. A woman is battered to death by three horrific creatures from Hell during the demonstration.

Hellbound Season 1

It shows Humans own the world, and we must resolve our differences among ourselves.” Hellbound Season1”, Netflix’s newest South Korean smash series, takes a narrow, winding road between horror, action, and drama to explore issues like religion, free will, justice, and extremism’s ascent.

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Did God Send the Angels? What Could Expect from Season 2?

It seems unusual, so perhaps the devil was at work all along. Why would an angel of God descend to warn someone that they were about to be carried to hell?!

Hellbound Season 1

Someone fought back with complete and unconditional love by sacrificing themselves as soon as people fought back with complete and unconditional love by sacrificing themselves. So, it’s possible that God intervened in the Devil’s plan.

So far, it’s all supposition, but a 2nd season of Hellbound should provide a lot more information. We’ll have to make do with speculating on the Hellbound conclusion till then.