Piggy” is a Spanish horror thriller with drama and social commentary at its core, and you could say that the drama takes over by the end. The movie is about a young girl named Sara who is always made fun of and teased by her friends because of her appearance. When a brutal serial killer comes to town, the film shows how angry and hateful Sara is toward her friends. Even bold visual choices are made in “Piggy,” and there is enough blood and mess to give it the thrills of the slasher horror genre.

What is the story of the movie “Piggy”?

Sara, a young teen, is very self-conscious about her weight because her friends and neighbours in their small town make fun of her and pick on her because of it all the time. Inside Sara’s house, things aren’t much better. Her mother is always mean to her and almost always blames her for her actions. Her family runs a traditional butcher shop where pork pieces are cut by hand, which might make Sara the target of more jokes. As is her usual routine, she is sitting in the meat shop with her father and studying one morning when she sees a group of her friends outside. Maca, Claudia, and Roci, three other girls her age who live in her neighbourhood, talk with their friend Pedro about going to the party at night. Soon after that, Claudia and Maca go to Sara’s shop to pick up the meat that Claudia’s mother had ordered. Sara is sure that the girls would do something mean, even though they don’t do anything strange. After a while, she finds out that Maca posted a picture of Sara and her family on social media and called them pigs. Even though Sara is upset, she can’t do anything about it and is used to hearing such rude comments all the time, but she is also getting angry.


That afternoon, she goes swimming by herself at a nearby pool. The lifeguard and the waitress who used to serve drinks by the pool are nowhere to be seen, which probably makes Sara happy since she is very self-conscious about wearing a swimsuit in public. But soon she sees a man in the pool, and he’s not from the town. As Maca, Roci, and Claudia walk toward the pool and see Sara there, they join the scene. The other girls, especially Maca and Roci, use this as an excuse to bully and bother Sara. As a joke, they even try to drown her. Sara calls out to Claudia for help because she still thinks of her as a friend, but Claudia doesn’t help her. The bullies then take Sara’s clothes and run away, leaving the girl to run home in just her swimsuit. After more bothering from a group of wasteful town boys, Sara suddenly sees the man she saw at the pool driving up behind her in a white van. When the stranger gives Sara a towel, she is shocked to see Claudia trapped in the van and calling for help. But the young teen doesn’t know what to do or how to help her bully, so she keeps running back home.

How Does “Piggy” End? Does Sara save or kill her friends?

While Claudia and Roci are still hanging from the chains, Sara runs away from the killer and goes through the whole slaughterhouse, almost like an animal trying to escape being killed. While doing this, Sara finds the body of her third friend, Maca, who was always the meanest to her. The girl had been killed and cut up. In the end, the murderer catches her. She screams that she doesn’t want to die, and he tells her he won’t hurt her. He then brings her in front of the two girls holding her captive and gets her angry at her two bullies. The man gives Sara his knife and tells her they will kill the bullies. Sara does think about this for a few seconds as she can’t stop her face from showing how much she hates and is angry at the two for always hurting her, but she decides not to give in to this all-consuming hate. Sara turns around and tries to stab the murderer, but he seems ready for it. A fight breaks out, and the two girls being held captive can help. In the end, Sara kills the murderer and lets out a sigh of relief. Claudia and Roci still ask for help, and Roci still calls Sara “piggy” even now. It’s almost as if Roci doesn’t know how wrong she is, and the movie wants to show how abuse has become so common that it’s hard to notice. The killer also carried a rifle he had stolen from Sara’s father.


Now, Sara shoots at her two friends with this gun. Even though it’s unclear whether she killed her friends, it seems like the young girl has decided to forgive and move on. In the end, she shoots the chains off of Claudia and Roci, which saves them. Sara walks out of the slaughterhouse and toward the main road as if she is still confused by what just happened. When she gets to the main road, she stops Pedro, who is riding his motorcycle. She asks him for help and tells him to take her to town. The two of them then get on their horses and ride away.