
Seven is a psychological crime thriller that follows two detectives (Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman) on the hunt for a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as a theme for his murder spree. It’s a brilliant plot delivered in a way that builds tension with each brutal murder, culminating with a scene that even those who haven’t seen the film will recognize. It was released in 1995 and has since become a genre classic. In fact, Seven is so fantastic that we’ll forgive the clumsy Se7en title format.

Day Shift :

Day Shift

Jamie Foxx is a multi-talented individual. So much so that Day Shift, a B-movie with B-movie potential, becomes a genuinely pleasant watch, with hilarious performances from Foxx and a supporting ensemble that includes Dave Franco and Snoop Dogg. Bud Jablonski (Foxx) appears to work as a pool cleaner to support his family. This cover story is quickly demolished by a fight with a particularly adaptable vampire in the Los Angeles suburbs, selling vampire teeth on the black market while attempting to join the official hunting union. Bud will need all his support to defeat the undead vengeance unleashed by the vampire’s murder. Fortunately, Big John (Snoop) is present. It’s a shockingly nasty, amusing vampire film worth seeing. Read more: True Story Behind Kamakhya Temple

You are not my Mother :

You are not my Mother

There can’t be many creepier things than having a strange sensation about someone you know. This is taken to its logical conclusion in the insightful and frightening You Are Not My Mother is a psychological horror film from Ireland that digs into European folklore and legends of evil changelings. Char lives in a troubled three-person family with her grandmother and mother, with her grandmother unwell and her mother despondent. Mum goes away one day, only to emerge in much better spirits the next. Some could claim she’s transformed into a new lady…

Blood Red Sky :

Blood Red Sky

Who doesn’t want to watch a German-language airplane-vampire-action-horror adventure? We most emphatically do. Blood Red Sky begins like a typical plane hijacking picture until we learn that one of the passengers, who was traveling with her son, was bitten by a vampire and must now take suppressants to prevent herself from becoming a hungry beast. After being shot by one of the hijackers, she decides enough is enough and proceeds to make her way through the plane, one hijacker at a time. It’s the Nosferatu equivalent of Air Force One. Also readd: Link: Eat, Love, Kill : Ending Explanation

Warm Bodies :

Warm Bodies

It’s your typical love story. A group of airport-dwelling undead pursues human survivors for medical supplies eight years into a zombie pandemic. When one zombie, R, spots a survivor, his heart begins to beat for the first time since his death. R saves Julie from his friends, they spend a few days listening to LPs together; there’s the odd devoured brain. Warm Bodies utilizes the genre’s fundamental cliches and creates something genuinely new. As far as zombie movies go, this one has a lot of heart.