In the Dark is an American drama television series produced by Corinne Kingsbury for The CW that premiered in the 2018–19 television season as a mid-season entry. It is now a crime drama as...
Ezio Abbate, Ivano Fachin, Giovanni Galassi, and Tommaso Matano created Curon, an Italian supernatural drama television series for Netflix. Valeria Bilello and Luca Lionello star in the series.On June 10, 2020, the first seven-episode...
Netflix’s The 100 is a post-apocalyptic science fiction drama television series that aired on The CW from March 19, 2014, until September 30, 2020. The series, created by Jason Rothenberg, is partially based on...
Sense8 is a Netflix-produced American science fiction drama series created by Lana and Lilly Wachowski and J. Michael Straczynski. The Wachowskis’ Anarchos Productions, Straczynski’s Studio JMS, and Georgeville Television were among the production companies...
Another Life is an Aaron Martin-created American science fiction drama streaming television series that launched on Netflix on July 25, 2019. Katee Sackhoff, Selma Blair, Justin Chatwin, Samuel Anderson, Elizabeth Ludlow, Blu Hunt, A.J....
Jannik Tai Mosholt, Esben Toft Jacobsen, and Christian Potalivo created The Rain, a Danish post-apocalyptic streaming television series. It was released on Netflix on May 4, 2018. Alba August, Lucas Lynggaard Tnnesen, Mikkel Flsgaard,...
Moon Knight is a forthcoming American television miniseries based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, produced by Jeremy Slater for the streaming service Disney+. In Marvel Cinematic Universe, this will is...
On July 9, 2015, the sixth and final season of Teen Wolf, an American supernatural drama produced by Jeff Davis and based in part on the 1985 film of the same name, earned a...
The Order is a horror, drama, and supernatural television show. The Order is a television series about a college student named Jack Morton. Dennis Heaton, Shelley Eriksen, Rachel Langer, Jennica Harper, Penny Gummerson, and...
Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi, and Tom Spezialy created the American comedy horror television series Ash versus Evil Dead, which was filmed in New Zealand for the Starz network. It’s based in Sam Raimi’s Evil...